Roads Project Updates

We acknowledge the impact of the extended wet season on the conditions of our roads. The improved weather has allowed us to commence our annual maintenance programs, including grading unsealed roads. We have more than 1000km of unsealed roads and it will take time to reach all of them. We appreciate your patience.

We conduct regular routine inspections on our local network and investigate problems and requests reported by the community. The routine inspections are conducted by our road stewards who drive and walk the assigned inspection routes. The stewards identify, measure and record defects in accordance with our intervention levels. These defects are then recorded in our asset management system.  This provides a measure of the condition of each road, which can be used to establish our routine maintenance and capital work requirements. Through the collation of defect data, programs are then created with consideration of risk, road hierarchy and resources.


  • July — Beatrice, Carrington, Evelyn, Herberton, Maalan, Mungalli, Peeramon, Ravenshoe, Upper Barron, Walkamin and Wongabel.
  • August — Evelyn, Innot Hot Springs, Millaa Millaa, Mount Garnet, Ravenshoe and Tumoulin.

Boom Slashing

  • July — Barrine, Butchers Creek, Glen Allyn, Jaggan, Lake Eacham, Tarzali and Topaz.
  • July —  Cashmere-Kirrama, Coolgarra, Kairi, Mount Garnet, Silver Valley and Tolga.
  • August — Barrine, East Barron, Millaa Millaa, Mount Garnet, Silver Valley and Wongabel.
  • July — Innot Hot Springs, Mount Garnet and Ravenshoe.
  • August — Innot Hot Springs and Mount Garnet.

Sections of roads across the region will be resealed to improve skid resistance and waterproofing, and to extend the life of the underlying road surface.

Gravel roads across the region will be resheeted.

Work includes profiling, primer seal and asphalt.

Work includes drainage, profiling, subgrade treatment, base gravel, bitumen seal, road furniture and line marking. The proposed roads are:

  • three sections of Wongabel Road, Wongabel — commence in 2024–25.
  • a 360m section of Channel Road, Walkamin — commenced in early March but progress has been hampered by poor weather.

Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements are for the restoration and betterment of roads damaged in the monsoon and flooding between 20 December 2022 and 30 April 2023. Restoration work includes gravel resheeting, heavy formation grading, medium formation grading, patch repairs and pothole repairs.

  • Tender T-TRC2024-05 for the South 1 section of work was awarded to Cheshire Contractors Pty Ltd for $5,552,931.91 including GST. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) was delegated the authority to vary betterment works once approved by the Queensland Restauration Authority and if deemed to be value for money, into this contract.
  • Tender T-TRC2024-04 for the South 2 of work was awarded to Watto’s Earthmoving and Machinery Hire Pty Ltd for $3,247,784.17 including GST. The CEO was delegated the authority to vary betterment works once approved by the Queensland Restauration Authority and if deemed to be value for money, into this contract.
  • Tender T-TRC2024-06 for the East and West sections of work was awarded to Watto’s Earthmoving & Machinery Hire Pty Ltd for $1,162,535.99 including GST. The CEO was delegated the authority to vary betterment works once approved by the Queensland Restauration Authority and if deemed to be value for money, into this contract.

Work will commence in July and expected to take around six months to complete.

The work in our region includes:


  • Dawson Road
  • Gargans Lane


  • Biggs Road East
  • Biggs Road West
  • Kjellberg Road
  • Mullins Road
  • Pheasant Road
  • Whiting Road

East Barron

  • Moseley Road
  • Pinnacle Pocket Road


  • Ellinjaa Road
  • Kelly Road
  • Watson Road


  • Chilverton Road
  • Go Tack Road
  • Hill Road
  • Jubb Road
  • Keid Road
  • Pickles Road
  • Ross Road
  • Smith Road


  • Gunnawarra Road
  • Oootan Road


  • Amy Street
  • Cassell Road
  • Creek Street
  • Ellie Street
  • Emma Street
  • Grant Street
  • James Road
  • Lyall Street
  • River Terrace

Innot Hot Springs

  • Glen Gordon Road
  • Konig Road
  • Uramo Road
  • Woodleigh Road
  • Yourka-Glen Gordon Road


  • Merragallan Road


  • Perrot Road
  • Poletti Road
  • Old Kaban Road


  • Forsyth Road


  • Cassell Road
  • Foster Road
  • Sims Road
  • Sixth Division Road
  • Springvale Road


  • Cashmere-Kirrama Road
  • Kirrama Road


  • Blunder Park Road
  • Glen Gordon Road
  • Tully Falls Road
  • Wooroora Road


  • Sutties Gap Road


  • Merragallan Road


  • Barter Road
  • Middlebrook Road

Millaa Millaa

  • Barter Road
  • Maple Street
  • Stansfield Road


  • Wild River Road


  • Cashmere-Kirrama Road
  • Glen Dhu Station Road
  • Meadowbank Road
  • Wairuna Road
  • Wyoming Station Road


  • Moomin Road

Mount Garnet

  • Agate Street
  • Brownville Road
  • Coolgarra Road
  • Jenkins Road
  • Lappa Road
  • Mount Cardwell Road
  • Mount Veteran Road
  • Nymbool Road
  • Wyndham Creek Road


  • Brooks Road


  • Allen Road
  • Carrick Road
  • Dixon Hill Road
  • Greenwood Road
  • Harris Road
  • Major Street
  • 5 x No Name Roads
  • Sunnyside Road

Silver Valley

  • Broken Gully Road
  • Clark Road
  • Coolgarra Road
  • Mount Misery Road
  • Rienecker Road
  • Shady Creek Road
  • Silver Valley Road
  • Tobacco Road
  • Top Nettle – Mount Misery Road


  • Hitchconole Road


  • Sims Road


  • Allen Road
  • Condon Road
  • Stancombe Road

Upper Barron

  • Belson Road
  • Hemmings Lane


  • Wattle Street


  • Bass Road
  • Bradlaugh Road
  • Byers Road
  • E Hill Road
  • Elms Road West
  • Harding Road
  • Monds Dip Road
  • Reynolds Road
  • Wieland Road

Assistance provided through the jointly-funded Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements.

Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements are for the restoration and betterment of roads damaged in the monsoon and flooding between 20 December 2022 and 30 April 2023. The betterment work includes rock protection, concrete toe walls, concrete causeways, gravel resheeting and new signs for various gully crossings on:

  • Cashmere Kirrama Road, Kirrama
  • Coolgarra Road, Mount Garnet
  • Coolgarra Road, Silver Valley
  • Grant Street, Herberton
  • Mount Misery Road, Silver Valley
  • Silver Valley Road, Silver Valley.

Assistance provided through the jointly-funded Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements.

The final 4.1km TRC section of Ootann Road will be sealed widened to 9m and sealed.

Tender T-TRC2023-21 for the project was awarded to Gunther Civil Pty Ltd for $3,130,581.36 including GST.

Proudly funded by the Australian Government, Queensland Government and Tablelands Regional Council.

Images © ARO Industries

The southern approach to the bridge will be widened or realigned. Design and scoping were completed in 2023–24 and construction will commence in 2024–25.

A 4km of Cashmere Kirrama Road near Big Swamp will be resheeted.

Tender T-TRC2024-08 for the gravel upgrade of Cashmere Kirrama Road was awarded to Tablelands Civil Constructions Pty Ltd for $659,178.58 including GST, subject to negotiations. A further $563,141 will be allocated in the 2024–25 capital budget to complete the project.