Bridges, Culverts & Drains Project Updates

Wondecla Creek bridge on Webster Road in Wondecla will be replaced and the approaches realigned. Design is complete and construction will commence in 2024–25.

Station Creek bridge on Kaban Road. The design is complete and construction will commence in 2024–25.

A culvert on Moregatta Road is being relined. Work commenced on Monday 22 April and was delayed by weather.

Proposed bridges and culverts include:

  • Bridge on Turner Road in Ravenshoe. The bridge is complete. Additional roadwork will conducted when the weather improves.
  • Weir Creek bridge on Ross Road in Evelyn. The bridge is complete. Sealing of approaches will commence when the weather improves.
  • Station Creek bridge on Kaban Road. The design is complete and construction will commence in 2024–25.
  • Ithaca River bridge on Clarkes Track. Scoping and design are underway.
  • Culvert on Cescotto Road in Tolga. Design commenced in February.
  • Battle Creek bridge on Glen Allyn Road in Malanda. Scoping and design are underway.
  • A bridge on Wooroora Road. Scoping and design are underway.

$102,000 capital works project

  • Four culverts on Brodie Road, Innot Hot Springs are being replaced and the intersection restructured. The design is complete and construction is planned for 2024–25.
  • A culvert on Carson Road, Malanda will be replaced this financial year. Construction has commenced.
  • A culvert on Bew Road, Ravenshoe will be replaced. Design is complete and construction is planned in 2024–25.
  • Other culverts are being investigated and prioritised.