Parks & Sporting Facilities Project Updates

In 2018 we worked with the community to develop a vision and master plan for the Priors Creek area of Atherton. The Priors Creek Master Plan outlined the development of the Priors Creek area (adjacent to Railway Lane in Atherton) to create a family-oriented mixed-use and leisure area, with commercial, residential and retail space.

The approximately $20M Priors Creek Development will be transformational for the Atherton Tablelands and broader region. It will boost economic activity, both short- and long-term, and deliver significant community benefits. The development will progress in stages, with Stage 1 focused on the area between Vernon and Jack streets. We have invested $8.5M to deliver this stage, with construction to commence in late 2023.

Priors Creek will become a key location for public events and activities with the development of an urban plaza for markets and a 1000-person amphitheatre — while building on established biking activities (Tablelands Rail Trail and Atherton Forest Mountain Bike Park trail head). The area will include a nature-based playground and shared paths, and showcase Indigenous culture, public art and the environment. The development will also improve security, parking, access to Main Street and lighting. There will be commercial development opportunities with a focus on short-stay accommodation and units. The increase in accommodation will help meet the demand for housing in the region, support population attraction and retention, and provide high-quality tourism accommodation.

See the fly-through concept.

The project will be transformative and inclusive for our community — catering for youth, families, seniors and visitors. It also recognises 20 desired outcomes across all five priority areas of our Tablelands 2030+ Community Plan. The plan is a roadmap to guide our decision making, services and priorities.

We have engaged with adjacent businesses and have been working closely with government agencies and other key stakeholders. A business case has been completed to assess economic and community benefits, visitor attraction potential and a cost-benefit analysis.

Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government & Planning (DSDILGP) Funding

DSDILGP has provided $900,000 for Stage 1 of the Priors Creek Development.

Cycle Network Local Government Grant

In October we received more than $1.5M of funding from Department of Transport and Main Roads’ Cycle Network Local Government Grants program to deliver the shared pathways, signs, lighting, shade trees and bike racks across the development area. This funding demonstrates our ongoing commitment to active transport in our region.

The Priors Creek Parklands project is proudly supported by the Queensland Government’s Cycle Network Local Government Grants program.

Freehold Lots

Freehold lots as part of the subdivision at Priors Creek are under construction and should be completed by August. Titles for these lots are currently being registered.

Construction Tender Awarded

The contract for site preparations was awarded to local company Northern Civil Earthworks Pty Ltd, trading as TerraNovus Civil, for $2,756, 368.70 including GST. This stage includes relocating overhead powerlines, one-way road between Vernon and Jack streets, roundabouts at Vernon and Jack streets, lighting, electrical, NBN and upgrades to stormwater, water and sewers. Construction will commence in early 2024 and will take at least six months to complete.

The contract for Stage 1b was ordered for Northern Civil Earthworks Pty Ltd for $5,169,998.39 excluding GST. The contract includes the demolition of the Vernon Street toilet block, upgrades to the Vernon Street / Railway Lane intersection, relocation of the mountain bike shelter and fitness equipment, and construction of new toilets, rail trail, paths, urban plaza, amphitheatre, stage, landscaping, barbecues, shelters, power, lighting and bollards.

Construction Update

Friday 23 August

  • Several stormwater pipes, pits and headwalls have been completed.
  • Majority of electrical and NBN work is complete.

Continuing & Upcoming Work

  • Water main relocation
  • Storm water pits
  • Sewer manholes
  • Electrical and NBN
  • Powerline removal
  • Roadwork including asphalting, kerbing, access ramps, line marking and traffic islands.

Additional Funding

We are seeking funding for completion of other stages of the development.

Indicative Timeline

  • 2022–23 — secure funding and complete detailed design
  • 2023–25 — construction
  • 2024–25+ — site activation

Construction photos © Bronson Koppen, General Manager, Terranovus Civil.

The Concept Plan for Battery Park in Herberton aims to maintain and enhance the area to improve visitor experiences and increase accessibility. The concept design for the park was endorsed, and we are waiting for the detailed design (October 2024). Consideration will be given to additional parking in future stages.

See the concept fly-through.

A section of the Atherton Tablelands Rail Trail will be resheeted as part of the progressive resheet program.

The Millaa Millaa Falls Improvement Plan identifies ways to maintain and enhance the Millaa Falls area, increase tourism and economic outcomes, improve the visitor experience, and provide increased accessibility.

The staircase replacement was completed in June 2024.

This project is funded by the Australian Government under the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program.

A new roof was  constructed over one of the netball courts. Richard Field Constructions were awarded the contract, which included the roof, guttering, downpipes, stormwater pits and a 4m slab extension along the western extent of the court to provide a sheltered spectator area while maintaining the existing court run-off zone specified by Netball Australia.

Tender T-TRC2024-09 was awarded to Richard Field Constructions Pty Ltd for $778,261.00 including GST. Work commenced in late May and was completed ahead of schedule in early August.

Sheeting and timber purlins will be replaced.

The picnic shelter will be replaced after being destroyed in a storm in April 2023.

A single and double barbecues were installed in shelters near the Church Street boatramp at Tinaroo in September.