Planning Scheme

Version 5 of the Tablelands Regional Council Planning Scheme 2016 commenced on Monday 9 September 2024. Our Planning Scheme is guided by the Far North Queensland Regional Plan 2009–31 and is used to regulate development within the region and helps to deliver desirable outcomes such as:

  • ensure that incompatible land uses don’t impact on one another
  • protect our resources such as waterways, native vegetation and rural land
  • provide more efficient infrastructure such as water, sewerage and road networks.

We levy infrastructure charges as part of the development assessment process to help pay for the cost of providing additional trunk infrastructure needed because of increased demand on that infrastructure. These charges apply when a subdivision (reconfiguring a lot) or material change of use generates additional demand on trunk infrastructure networks. Trunk infrastructure is significant or higher-order infrastructure that supports large areas or catchments, such as water supply, parks and road networks, for an entire neighbourhood.

Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP)

Under section 29 of the Planning Act 2016, a superseded planning scheme is one that was in effect immediately before it was amended or replaced. Applicants have one year from when a planning scheme becomes superseded to lodge a request with TRC seeking an assessment under the superseded scheme. Once a request for assessment under a planning scheme has been submitted, we have 30 business days to assess the request. If a request for assessment is approved, the applicant must submit the development application within six months. The assessment will then be conducted as if the superseded planning scheme was still in effect. If the request is approved and relates to accepted development, the applicant may proceed with the development under the superseded planning scheme.

Superseded Planning Scheme

Volume 1 – Strategic Framework and Codes
Volume 2 – Schedules and Policies
Volume 3 – Mapping

The Planning Scheme makes reference to a number of other documents generated both within TRC and through external agencies. A number of state and federal approvals may also be required for larger planning applications and applications in areas with unique heritage and/or environmental resources. As planning policies at all levels of government are continually changing and being updated, this list is not an exhaustive list but rather a starting point for further investigation. TRC takes no responsibility as to the completeness or accuracy of this list.
  • Far North Queensland Regional Plan 2009–2031 is the blueprint for managing growth and guiding development for Far North Queensland. It takes precedence over all local government planning provisions.
  • Sustainable Planning Act 2009 (SPA) is the primary planning and land use legislation in Queensland. It provides the legal basis for Queensland local government planning schemes.
  • FNQROC Regional Development Manual Version 5 is a comprehensive manual providing construction development standards for Far North Queensland including footpaths, landscaping, potable water and stormwater.
  • Indigenous Cultural Heritage Acts 2003 outlines procedures for meeting obligations under Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Heritage Act including handling of human remains and formulating cultural heritage management plans.
  • Burra Charter 1999 provides guidance for the conservation, restoration and management of cultural heritage sites including places with a cultural heritage listing.
  • Environment Protection & Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 is useful for matters likely to have a significant impact on areas protected as a matter of national environmental significance and for actions likely to have a significant impact on the environment in general.