Queensland’s Waste Management and Resource Recovery Strategy provides a strategic framework to reduce the amount of waste we generate, transition to a circular economy, grow the resource recovery and recycling industry and create new jobs.
This is underpinned by Queensland’s waste disposal levy, which commenced on 1 July 2019. The levy is payable on all waste (including waste generated in another state or territory) disposed to a levyable waste disposal site within the levy zone or, if it has been generated within the levy zone and disposed of to a landfill outside the levy zone in Queensland.
Using the returns from the levy revenue, the Queensland Government is investing in a $2.1 billion waste and resource recovery package over ten years, including a $1.1 billion Recycling and Jobs Fund. The fund will help to improve the way products are made, used and recovered so that we are using less, using things for longer and avoiding waste going to landfill.
The levy zone is divided into two areas, covering 39 out of Queensland’s 77 local government areas:
- metro zone — 12 South-East Queensland local government areas
- regional zone — remaining 27 local government areas in the current levy zone.

See our fees and charges for domestic waste disposal.