i.e: how much of the structure is encroaching into the front boundary setback, is it the majority of the structure or only a small portion.
i.e. the proposed encroachment will not be out of character with the neighbouring buildings or structures. Why?
Note: the road boundary is the front boundary line of the allotment NOT the road.
i.e. explain why the proposed encroachment will not affect the outlook and views on neighbouring allotments.
i.e. will the structure block or restrict the visibility of vehicles, pedestrians etc from those vehicles backing out of carports or garages?
Criteria to be addressed for side and rear boundary setback dispensation
If structures are to be constructed closer than 1.5m for a single storey structure and 2m for a double storey structure from the outermost projections (i.e. the edge of the eaves and guttering) to the side or rear boundary line of a property, then the following criteria are to be addressed outlining how the proposed structure in the proposed location when constructed will not have any effect on the following areas.
This criteria is also to be used for garages, sheds and carports where the total length of structures is closer than 1.5m to the side or rear boundary is greater than 9m in length or the garage, shed or carport has an average height which is greater than 3.5m
The questions are a guide to the information that is to be given for each of the criteria, they are not designed to be yes or no answers. If all information is not provided it will delay the processing of your application.
Does the structure in the proposed location block the light and ventilation to habitable rooms on the allotment where the structure is being built?
Does the structure in the proposed location block the light and ventilation to habitable rooms on the neighbouring allotment?
Does the structure in the proposed location affect the amenity and privacy of the neighbouring properties?
Criteria to be addressed for Side and Rear boundary setback dispensation
If structures are to be constructed closer than 1.5metres for a single storey structure and 2 metres for a double storey structure from the outermost projections (i.e. the edge of the eaves and guttering) to the side or rear boundary line of a property then the following Criteria are to be addressed outlining how the proposed structure in the proposed location when constructed will not have any effect on the following areas.
Note: This criteria is also to be used for garages, sheds and carports where the total length of structures closer than 1.5metres to the side or rear boundary is greater than 9metres in length or the garage, shed or carport has an average height which is greater than 3.5 metres.
The questions are a guide to the information that is to be given for each of the criteria, they are not designed to be yes or no answers. If all information is not provided it will delay the processing of your application.
In order to avoid complaints, or be in a better position to respond to them if they should arise, it is recommended where possible to get the neighbours statement of consent or any concerns they may have with regard to the sitting dispensation.