Goods, Services & Displays on TRC Land

Event & Activities on TRC Land

Are you hosting an event or activity on our land? Events/activities include street parades, weddings, gatherings, festivals, sporting competitions and entertainment events. You may need a permit. Find out more.

Turnaround times for the issuing of permits are dependent on the type of event/activity, number of participants, location and potential impacts on the community. Permits for:

  • activities with greater than 300 attendees take approximately eight weeks
  • commercial and community gatherings generally require a longer assessment than smaller gatherings and activities
  • events and activities at Millaa Millaa Falls and other locations under Indigenous Land Use Agreements take at least eight weeks
  • events and activities requiring consent and/or permits from external parties generally require a longer assessment.

Apply To Provide Goods, Services & Displays On TRC Land