Summary of Ordinary Council Meeting Thursday 23 January 2025
Reconfiguration of a Lot
If a Ministerial exemption is granted, a development permit for a new access easement to 36A Cook Street, Atherton will be issued.
Quarterly Reports
The Q2 Development Activity Report details the number of development applications received, number of housing lots approved and delivered, and an investment incentive update.
The Q2 Quarterly Performance Report provides an overview of customer request management response performance, progress against Operational Plan initiatives, and after-hour call responses.
Capital Projects Report
The Capital Projects Report provides a monthly summary of the financial position of capital budget expenditure and the status of projects.
Meeting Minutes
The unconfirmed minutes of the Far North Queensland Regional Organisation of Council meeting on Thursday 5 December 2024 were received and noted.
These advisory committee meeting minutes were received and noted, and recommendations endorsed:
- Traffic Advisory Committee on Tuesday 17 December 2024
- Rocky Creek War Memorial Park on Wednesday 18 December 2024
Community Project Requests
Approval was given to the:
- Malanda Gymnastics Club to upgrade their facility including installing two roller doors and insulation, and electrical upgrades.
- Tablelands Outdoor Recreation Association Inc. and T4 to plant 400 trees within the Rail Trail corridor between Pillinger Drive and the Kennedy Highway, Tolga. $4002 and in-kind support will be provided.
Lakeside Toilet Roof
Electrical and scaffolding contractors will be engaged to assist with the re-roofing of the Lakeside toilet block.
Permanent Road Closure
Support will be provided for the permanent closure of land adjoining 12502 Kennedy Highway, Ravenshoe, subject to conditions.
Priors Creek Parkland Toilets
The locations of the toilets in the Priors Creek Parklands will be switched, with the smaller toilet block now to be on Lot 1 Vernon Street, and the larger toilet block in the parkland redevelopment area.
Financial Report
Operating revenue is a little lower than forecast (-3.5%) primarily due to capital grants for roads not being received when expected and road donated assets being recognised. Expenditure is slightly over budget (5.2%) due to additional expenditure on road maintenance, and repairs to water, waste and wastewater services.
Sole & Specialised Service Provider Register
Place Design Group will be added to the sole and specialised service provider register, for the provision of specialised design services for the Priors Creek Parklands development.
Trustee Sub-leases
A trustee sub-lease for:
- Lease T over part of Atherton Aerodrome will be established with the Atherton Aero Club Inc. to facilitate the operation of aircraft associated activities.
- 10 Old Boar Pocket Road will be established with Rural Fire Service Queensland for the continued operation of a fire mitigation depot.
Herberton Sewerage
Investigations will be conducted into the feasibility of sewerage utilities for the Herberton CBD.
Sale of Land
The next level of the debt recovery process will be commenced for seven properties due to the non-payment of rates for more than three years.
Library Service Review
Five recommendations were endorsed from the Library Service Review. Engagement will be undertaken prior to the implementation of the recommendations.
Social Housing Contract
The Housing Management Agreement with Tablelands Community Housing Association Inc. will be extended to Tuesday 31 March 2026 to ensure social housing continues to be delivered and to allow for ongoing discussions with Department of Housing and Public Works.
Agendas, Minutes & Next Meeting
The next ordinary Council meeting will be at 9am Thursday 27 February at the Coordination Centre, 15 Vernon Street in Atherton. The meeting is open to the public and will be live streamed and recorded.