New Kerbside Collection For TRC

 New trucks will soon be collecting kerbside waste and recycling bins in the TRC Region with the commencement of a contract with JJ’s Waste and Recycling on Wednesday 1 November.

‘Our five kerbside collection vehicles are at the end of their useful lives and will cost nearly $2.5M to replace,’ said Mayor Rod Marti.

‘This contract with JJ’s will save the community around $7M over the life of the contract, as JJ’s can provide the service at a lower cost due to their economies of scale.

‘We are one of the last Councils in Queensland that was still providing an inhouse kerbside collection service — it just doesn’t make financial sense to continue.

‘Some of our truck drivers have been offered positions with JJ’s, and we’re working to redeploy other drivers within TRC.

‘There will be no disruption to the community as the bin collection routes will stay the same for the start of the contract.

‘The only change may be the timing so, as usual, make sure you have your bins out by 5am on the day of collection,’ said Mayor Marti.

JJ’s Waste and Recycling are delighted to be partnering with TRC on the new Waste and Recycling Collections Service Contract.

General Manager for JJ’s Waste and Recycling David Colvin said, ‘Expanding our operations and being part of the Tablelands community is important to us, as a Queensland-based, family-owned company.

‘We are well established in Far North Queensland, employing over 65 local staff, and will be introducing the latest truck and collection technology to the region,’ said Mr Colvin.

‘The fleet of new trucks is sporting beautiful images from our region and names picked out by the community,’ said Mayor Marti.

‘Keep an eye out for Dustbin Beiber, Bin Diesel, Bindarella and Bindiana Jones as they do the rounds of the community, and head to our website if you’re unsure what goes in each of the bins,’ he said.
