Free Mulch Weekend

Tablelands Regional Council is giving away mulch to private customers.

‘We’ll be giving away mulch at our Atherton, Malanda and Yungaburra transfer stations during opening hours on the weekend of Saturday 15 and Sunday 16 February,’ Mayor Rod Marti said.

‘Mulching is a great way to keep the weeds down and retain water in your garden, so be sure to take advantage of this great opportunity.

‘When you arrive at the transfer station ensure you stay in your vehicle while waiting and when the mulch is being loaded by the machine.

‘Our staff will then direct you to an area where you can cover your load before departure,’ said Mayor Marti.

Opening hours for the transfer stations are:

  • Atherton Transfer Station — 8.00am–5.00pm Saturday 15 and Sunday 16 February.
  • Malanda Transfer Station — 8.00am–12.30pm and 1.00–5.00pm Sunday 16 February.
  • Yungaburra Transfer Station — 8.00am–12.30pm and 1.00–5.00pm Saturday 15 February.