The following list is not exhaustive, but provides a general overview of the types of services and activities provided by Council:
- Abandoned vehicles
- Advertising signs
- Aerodromes
- After hours service
- Animal management and pounds
- Art galleries
- Arts and cultural programs
- Bike tracks
- Building applications and approvals
- Bushfire prevention
- Business continuity
- Business services
- Caravan parks and camp grounds
- Cemeteries
- Children’s and youth services and support
- Citizenship ceremonies
- Communication and education
- Community centres
- Community development
- Community engagement
- Community leadership and advocacy
- Control of nuisances
- Cultural development
- Customer services
- Development assessments
- Disaster management
- Dog registration
- Disability advocacy and advice
- Economic development and business support
- Emergency management
- Employment and training programs, including apprenticeships and traineeships
- Engineering services
- Environmental services, including biosecurity and natural resource management
- Facility maintenance and management
- Festivals and events
- Finance services
- Fleet and plant
- Food and health inspections
- Footpaths
- Free wifi
- Graffiti control
- Grants and bursaries
- Hall and facility hire
- Heritage protection
- Information communication technology
- Libraries
- Local laws
- Local roads
- Media
- Online services
- On street parking
- Parks,gardens and open spaces
- Permits and approvals
- Picnic areas
- Planning scheme and applications
- Playgrounds and exercise equipment
- Plumbing certification
- Public swimming pools
- Public toilets
- Rates
- Record management
- Recreation and sports facilities
- Recycling
- Road maintenance and construction
- Skate parks
- Social housing
- Stormwater drainage
- Street cleaning
- Street lighting
- Street signs
- Surveying
- Tourism and information centres
- Trade waste
- Traffic control
- Transfer Stations
- Waste management and collections
- Wastewater treatment
- Water supply and treatment
- Weed and pest management
- Youth support
- Zoning – planning schemes